Monday, May 11, 2009

Why won't my sweet pea seeds grow??

Two packs so far soaked overnight, planted in sunny spot,soil is pretty good it's in 70's here northern Ca. Planted them one at a time why why why???

Why won't my sweet pea seeds grow??
how long ago? they can take 2 weeks

how deep? no deeper that 1 inch

how were the seeds stored/ old seeds?
Reply:well first

1.did u plant it in fertilizied soil

2.does it have sun light

3.does it have enough water(dont put to much water)

4.they are sometimes planted in the ground so maybe u dont see your sweet peas growing they probably are growing underground so you have to pull it out
Reply:how long have the seeds been in the ground? check for animal foot prints! because squeals will dig up the seeds and most likely eat them!! other wize wait for a bit more, keep the soil moist, but not soaked, and it should come up soon.......... i have never had that happen in my life with peas!!! they all came up fast and grew pretty quick! hope this helps!
Reply:Try using an inoculate before you plant the seeds. Sometimes the pea will not germinate without it. You wet the pea seeds and cover them with the inoculate before planting.

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