Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can sweet peas seeds be sown directly ouside and if so from what month?

Im in the UK and they will be sown into troughs/planters....

Can sweet peas seeds be sown directly ouside and if so from what month?
If you are planting outside, no need to wait until danger of last frost. Peas are extremely hardy. Sweet peas, vegetable and/or flower, only need for the soil to be 40 degrees. People here in MI, go out and move the snow and put the seeds into the ground. Sweet peas need to be striated which is to file the outside coat or nick. Soaking is much easer. Soak the peas in bowl overnight. Those that float to the top are no good. They should sink to the bottom. I would give them at least 24 hours. The seed coat is so hard that without help, the little seedlings find it hard to break the coat. A good 24 hour soak should take care of that. Make sure that when you plant, you give them something to climb on. Putting in the trellis or pole at planting is better as if you wait until they have grown up, you are in danger of severing the roots. So put in the stakes, sticks, whatever as soon as you plant.
Reply:Yes. If you don't get much in the way of winter - anytime. They like cool weather, and can take light frosts.
Reply:In SW Missouri in the US I plant them in February, around Valentine's day. Whenever I can get my trowel into the ground.
Reply:Sweet Peas do great from seed. ALthough you may want to either knick the seed coat OR soak overnight first. They take a few days to poke though the soil in a greenhouse kit so I imagine they will take a bit longer outside. You can plant them as soon as the danger of freezes is over i think.

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