Saturday, November 19, 2011

What type of pest or insect eats pea plants?

I've had 2 new vegetable sweet pea plants disappear from my garden. (They were not stolen and 6" tall.) Something must've eaten them because there is is no visible trace of the stem or plant itself. It is 100% gone. What could be eating pea plants so hungrily?

What type of pest or insect eats pea plants?
Mice and aphids are number one enemies of the young plants and seeds; so are slugs and snails! Wrong time of year for aphids... I bet it was some snails!
Reply:Bunnies are another possibility, or squirrels, chipmunks, etc. Nice new green things may be irresistible to something in your near area.
Reply:Rabbits or ground hogs. Ground hogs love peas and beans and will eat them to the ground. So will deer. Good luck, I have had to give up my vegetable garden completely because of the critters, and I can't do anything about it because I live next to a woods except a tall and deep fence.

You can get a game camera, it works on an infrared light and will take pictures of whatever is eating your garden, at at least the mystery will be solved.
Reply:Rabbits love fresh pea and bean sprouts. By the way, baked rabbit with dumplings is delicious.

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