Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can a 6 month old child eat pureed corn?

My 6 month old daughter has started eating solid food. So far, she has had green beans and sweet peas. When she starts eating yellow vegetables - can she have pureed corn? I know this might be an ignorant question, but I didn't see it on the list of foods that she can have, and didn't want to do any harm.

Thank you!

Can a 6 month old child eat pureed corn?
You can. Just be careful how much you feed her. We don't really properly digest corn. And there have been studies suggesting that corn is related to people developing diabetes.

but, no, it won't do any harm.
Reply:sure why not? If you are buying commerical baby food, it is usually in stage 2 mixtures, not by itself. Like sweet potatoes and corn.

I found it hard to puree myself. It never got a good texture or consistency.

I started giving her kernels of corn to eat on her own at about 8 months....they come out in about the same form as they go in :)
Reply:Sure, why not?

There is no need to go in any particular order with vegetables like that, too.

"When the baby is starting to take solids at about six months of age, there is little difference what he starts with or the order foods are introduced. It is prudent to avoid highly spiced or highly allergenic foods at first (e.g. egg white, strawberries), but if the baby reaches for the potato on your plate, make sure it is not too hot, and let him have the potato. There is no need to go in any specific order, and there is no need for the baby to eat only one food for a certain period of time. Some exclusively breastfed babies dislike infant cereal when it is introduced at about six months of age. There is no need for concern and no need to persist if the baby doesn’t want the cereal. There is nothing magic or necessary about infant cereal. Offer your baby the foods that he is interested in. Allow the baby to enjoy food and do not worry exactly how much he actually takes at first. Much of it may end up in his hair and on the floor anyhow. There is no need either that foods be pureed if the baby is six months of age or older. Simple mashing with a fork is all that is necessary at first. You also do not have to be exceedingly careful about how much the baby takes. Why limit the baby to one teaspoon if he wants more? You do not need to waste your money on commercial baby foods.

Be relaxed, feed the baby at your mealtimes, and as he becomes a more accomplished eater of solid foods, offer a greater variety of foods at any one time.

The easiest way to get extra iron for your baby five or six months of age is by giving him meat. Infant cereal has iron, but it is poorly absorbed and may cause the baby to be constipated.

There is no reason to introduce vegetables before fruit. Breastmilk is far sweeter than fruit, so there is no reason to believe that the baby will take vegetables better by delaying the introduction of fruit."

"Experts seek to debunk baby food myths

Little evidence supports ‘any particular way of doing things’

Ditch the rice cereal and mashed peas, and make way for enchiladas, curry and even — gasp! — hot peppers. It's time to discard everything you think you know about feeding babies. It turns out most advice parents get about weaning infants onto solid foods — even from pediatricians — is more myth than science.

That's right, rice cereal may not be the best first food. Peanut butter doesn't have to wait until after the first birthday. Offering fruits before vegetables won't breed a sweet tooth. And strong spices? Bring 'em on..."
Reply:yeah, sure she can. if you are following baby led weaning, the rules are basically that she can eat whatever you are eating, with the few obvious no no's eg peanut incase of allergys, anything that could get stuck eg anything sticky or round , anything containing sugar or salt, honey, or runny eggs,,,,,,, sure there are more, just can't think of them.

the idea being that if baby wants to try some of your food, just let him,, keeping an eye on him at all times..(providing you eat healthily yourself of course)
Reply:yep. you'll find that because it is naturally sweet, it will be something she'll probably like. watch giving her too much though because it can really constipate some little ones.
Reply:of course she can. I fed my daughter corn. It won't her . :)
Reply:i would not give them's extremely difficult for adults to digest, let alone an infant. ever c it after it's "digested"? it still looks whole. no corn, not for awhile.
Reply:yes why not especially if it is puree then the baby cant choke on anything then and then it will be really safe and you wont have to worry at all!
Reply:It's suggested you introduce corn at 10-12 months just because it is a potential high allergen food. If you're not worried about food allergies, pureed corn is fine.

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