Saturday, May 22, 2010

I planted some seeds but only one type of flower is coming up! Can anyone tell me why?

i planted some seeds about 2 weeks ago like sweet pea flowers,

sunfowers, daisys, straflowers, morning glorys, and moonflowers. The only place where anything is coming up is where iplanted the morning glorys and moonflowers. Why isn't anything else coming up. help!!!

I planted some seeds but only one type of flower is coming up! Can anyone tell me why?
1. different plants have different germination times. Be patient.

2. different plants have different soil needs. Perhaps some of the seeds couldn't get the proper nutrient for them to grow.

3. different plants need different sun conditions.

4. Some seeds could be dead, won't germinate.

5. Some plant seeds need different procedures for planting. (ex. scarifying, kept very moist with high humidity, etc.)

6. You planted them too deep.

I'm very surprised your sunflowers did not come up. They are usually the hardiest, so I'm suspecting that you planted your seeds too deep. Good luck with the moon flower, I had a very difficult time getting mine to germinate....
Reply:Sure you can use fertilizer..... If it is dry where you are, use liquid like Miracle Grow, if it is wet use Milorganite. It is granular and won't burn.... Report It

Reply:different plants/flowers have different rates of germination. I wouldn't worry yet. give it some time.
Reply:the veg and fruit plants can take up to a month...i had strawberries that took about a month to even show any signs that they were planted.

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