Sunday, May 16, 2010

When should I plants my seeds of sweet peas ? ( I am in the Ohio valley )?

Plant your sweet peas as soon as the soil has warmed. You can tell by shoving your finger down into it. Is it warm or cold? When it's warm soak your seeds for at least a few hours if not over night so that they can germinate a little more quickly than if they had to gather all that moisture from the soil. Sweet peas are wonderful. My grandmothers were always beautiful and fragrant. Like most plants sweet peas can be a little site specific. I've seen them thrive in many spots and I've seen them fail a few times in places that you would have thought would produce. Adding organic material to your soil on a regular basis is excellent and well worth the effort.

When should I plants my seeds of sweet peas ? ( I am in the Ohio valley )?
Check the Farmers Almanac online, it's free to find the best planting days.

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